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Heels Abroad Handbook

The Heels Abroad Handbook is your go-to source for all the important information you need to study abroad!

The Handbook modules are designed to provide guidance and information about next steps prior to the Pre-Departure event, where we will cover more in-depth topics and region-specific information. You can refer to the Handbook at any time before, during, or after your program. Many of your questions will be covered in the Handbook modules; please review them before emailing your Study Abroad Advisor.

Once you read through each module, take the Heels Abroad Handbook Quiz on your application page. It is a requirement that you review each module and pass the quiz before attending the Pre-Departure event.

The Heels Abroad Handbook is available to students upon acceptance to a program. To access yours:

  • Log in to your study abroad application page
  • Under Learning Content, click on the Heels Abroad Handbook
  • Open the module links to learn more