This section provides information and resources to help you support your student and their decision to study abroad, allowing you to help maximize this opportunity for your student.
UNC Campus Resources
- Financial Aid
- Billing
- Carolina Family Handbook published by the UNC New Student and Family Program
Additional Resources
- The Institute for International Education (IIE) provides the book A Parent Guide To Study Abroad that can guide you and your student through all the steps of the study abroad process. Also available in Spanish.
- The U.S. Department of State’s “Students Abroad” website is a one-stop reference for international travel specifically designed for college students and a specific page with information for parents. Also, visit their Crisis Abroad site for information about how you and your student can prepare for an emergency abroad.
- The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Travelers’ Health site offers information to assist travelers and their health-care providers in deciding the vaccines, medications, and other measures necessary to prevent illness and injury during international travel.
- Parents – pointers to prepare for the transformation from the Council on International Educational Exchange, provides some good advice on what to expect.
- provides tips and resources for parents of study abroad students.
- The Center for Global Education also offers a section for parents of study abroad students, including a handbook specifically designed for parents.
- Mobility International: resources for disabilities and accommodations abroad