Jada Nappier
About My Study Abroad Program
Major/Minor: Psychology and Political Science Major, Conflict Management Minor
Program: DIS (Summer)
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Email: jadnap@ad.unc.edu
Term: Summer 2023
Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
I am fortunate to be a recipient of the $5,000 Study Abroad Fellowship. This was awarded to me as a freshman in 2020, and as a rising senior it was now or never. I knew I wanted to go to Scandinavia, as I find their political views and high level of life satisfaction super interesting (and as a woman, it is incredibly safe there). I looked into programs in Denmark specifically, partially for the aforementioned reasons and partially because I love pastries, and stumbled across DIS. After browsing their course catalog, I found several good fits for me in all 3 sessions, and knew I'd be content with any class I was put in so long as it was on my preference list. The study tour in another country was an added bonus!
What did you learn about yourself?
In the world of structure that I've built for myself, all of the spontaneous activities I did was a form of liberation I didn't know I needed. I took a weekend trip Norway with friends, stayed up all night just talking to people, went to a salsa class, attended a sound bath, and so many other things that I didn't plan or expect to do. Doing more impromptu things was a goal I made for myself this summer, and all signs point to the fact that I need to be a little more spontaneous at home, too.
What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
With regards to my courses, I loved attending a soundbath with my class for the first time. In general, going to Juno (a bakery) with all of my friends and just laughing and talking while enjoying sweet treats was the best.
What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
Striking a balance between coursework and exploration is incredibly important, and you are never alone. I feel so gratified looking back at what I accomplished in both of my courses and all the adventures I'd had in between. This was my first time going abroad alone, and in the first hour of landing I connected with people in the same exact situation I was. Some of those people ended up being the strongest pillars of support, in and out of class. At the same time, I worked with amazing people in my classes and I can't imagine what my summer would've been like without them. I wouldn't have had the experience I did if I didn't take a chance and put myself in new situations despite some feelings of anxiety. At the end of the day, you're never going to be studying abroad at this exact point in time ever again. You can make it an incredible experience- you just have to find your balance.
How do you identify?
Student of color, First Generation College Student, $5,000 Summer Study Abroad Fellowship Recipient
Could you share any experiences where your identity played a role in your time abroad?
Denmark is a monoculture. I did get stared at, but I was never typically made to feel unwelcome or unsafe (on the basis of race, gender, or both). There was only one incident I had that involved racism was a odd encounter at a bus stop, and that is not something that I'd expect to be the norm in Copenhagen (but also, Sweden and Norway were fine also in my experience).