Joselyn Dangler
About My Study Abroad Program
Major/Minor: Global Studies, Anthropology (Majors) / Hispanic Studies (Minor)
Program: Spanish and Service - Universidad de San Ignacio de Loyola, Global Health and Social Medicine - King's College London
Location: Cusco, Peru and London, England
Term: Summer 2018, Spring 2019
Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
I chose to study abroad because I felt that I would benefit from expanding my learning field to outside of the area of North Carolina that I have lived in for the majority of my life.
What did you learn about yourself?
From my two very different study abroad programs, I learned that I am very passionate about meeting and connecting with people over areas like food, language and values. A very valuable part of this lesson was struggling with my time in London, for I felt like these were the aspects that I was not experiencing as much.
What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
In Peru, my program did service in a village called Chinchero every weekend. My favorite memory is from this when one day, a family was very appreciative of our help in building a stove and refrigerator that they let us pick a guinea pig to roast and share with them. Sitting down with them and sharing a meal after a long day of shared hard work was both rewarding and humbling.
What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
Go in with very few expectations. Set goals for yourself, but do not limit yourself in staying within those parameters- try something you usually wouldn't do!
Would you do it again?
How did your study abroad experience prepare you for your future career?
I hope to one day work in the public health field, so the combination of my programs gave me exposure to both regional issues of public health and offered some tools to be an effective and knowledgable member of the public health field.
How were your classes abroad different than if you would have taken them at UNC?
In Peru my classes were in Spanish and were all relatively relaxed and focused on interactive learning. In London, the school system was wildly different from American school system system with flipped-classroom style learning and 100% of grading going toward 2 essays per class.