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Paige Collins

About My Study Abroad Program

Major/Minor: Public Policy and Medical Anthropology Major/Sustainability Studies Minor
Program: IES Abroad London Summer Internship
Location: London, England
Term: Summer 2023


Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
I chose to study abroad to fully immerse myself into a different area. I have traveled many times throughout my life, but have never spent an extended amount of time in another country. Everyone always told me that studying abroad would be one of the best experiences of college and so although nervous, I took the leap to apply to a program. I selected the IES summer internship program because I wanted to meet individuals from other universities and also wanted to get internship experience and credit that would transfer back to UNC. I knew another individual who studied abroad through IES and greatly enjoyed it and after researching dates, IES internship program had dates that lined up well with my schedule.


What did you learn about yourself?
I learned that I have the ability to adapt to a new environment. I have always been more of a "homebody" and honestly was hesitant to participate in study abroad for fear of being homesick. But, after being in London for only a few days I could navigate the tube and explore the city on my own. By the end of my study abroad I felt very comfortable in London and was amazed at how I was able to adapt to a new area/environment.


What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
One of my favorite memories from my program was visiting the Globe Theatre to see a production. We opted for standing room which was 10 pounds, and they put on the production "The Comedy of Errors." It was a very entertaining production and they put it on as they would in the times the Globe was truly used with no sound enhancements or lights. It was a cool way to experience the history and see an entertaining production.


What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
My advice is to embrace the experience. It is totally normal to feel a little uncomfortable abroad as it is an uncertain area and culture. Lean into the experience and reach out to family, friends, and program advisors to discuss these uncertainties. Take time to explore the area and try new experiences, this is how you can meet local individuals that can also assist you in your time abroad. For example, I went to a cricket match, and although not something I would have imagined myself doing in my time abroad, it was something I really enjoyed and felt more connected to British culture.
