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Course Structure & Academic Expectations

Class Meeting Patterns

Courses will generally meet either two or three times each week. Most courses either meet Tuesdays and Thursdays, or Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. There are some exceptions to this, but generally, if you’re taking a course that meets twice a week, you will meet for 75 minutes at a time, and if you’re taking a course that meets three times a week, you will meet for 50 minutes at a time. In addition to the regular lectures, some courses will have recitations.

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Tips for Success

Review the syllabus for each course

Instructors at UNC will most likely be very different from each other and teach in a different method than you’re used to back at your home university. At UNC, most instructors to have freedom in the course materials and methods they use to teach their classes. This means that while one instructor puts a lot of emphasis on group work and class participation, another professor may have most of his discussions on Sakai (the software interface that used at UNC) and have you post a thread each week. Many instructors will assign you more continual work than you may be used to doing back at home. Be sure to read the syllabus to understand how your final grade will be calculated and to make note of important assignment due dates.

Attend class

It is important that you attend the first day of class, so you can get the syllabus and understand how your courses are structured. You will be expected to attend every class and review the material from the reading list. Most instructors at UNC-Chapel Hill have attendance and participation in class as part of the final course grade. Going to class should be the norm, NOT the exception. Prepare to go to each lecture at every time it is scheduled, to ensure you are getting the information you need to succeed in your courses.

Utilize office hours

Most instructors will offer office hours each week; these are designated times to meet with students. If you have questions about a course or need support, please make sure to take advantage of office hours to connect with your instructor.