Reese Yankie
About My Study Abroad Program
Major/Minor: Global Studies (global health & environment) & Psychology; PPE minor
Program: DIS Summer
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark & Stockholm, Sweden
Term: Summer 2023
Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
I've always wanted to study abroad. I love traveling, meeting new people, and checking out new restaurants and cafes, so it felt like the perfect experience for me. I'm all about adventure and have tons of energy, so I knew I'd love it. I'm also really into learning different languages and find other cultures super interesting. I didn’t know anyone else in my program, but I decided to go solo because I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone and take on a new challenge. I chose to go during the summer because it was a great way to see if I'd want to do a full semester abroad (I definitely do!). I picked DIS Abroad because it gave me the chance to spend three weeks in Copenhagen and four in Stockholm, plus extra trips to Barcelona and London. It was the perfect way to experience all that studying abroad has to offer.
What did you learn about yourself?
I've learned so much about myself from this experience. The biggest lesson was realizing that it's okay to be alone and that I'm self-sufficient. I also figured out that doing hard things and pushing myself out of my comfort zone is totally worth it. I really learned how to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. This experience gave me a huge confidence boost. Now I know I can navigate unfamiliar places, connect with people, and form relationships I never thought possible. I can honestly say that I’ve come out of this experience with a deeper appreciation for the little things in life and would do it a million times over again.
What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
One of my favorite memories from my program has to be when my teacher invited our whole class over to her place to make dinner. We all helped prep the veggies and made dough for the flatbread pizzas, and I remember feeling so much gratitude and love for myself, the people around me, and the world. It was such a special moment because I felt like I had really embraced the culture, and our teacher made us feel so at home. Even though it was a short time, studying abroad changed my life in such a big way. The close relationships I formed with my teachers, classmates, and the locals really left a lasting impact on me.
What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
Some advice I have for future students who might face uncertainties while abroad: it’s completely normal. You’re stepping into a totally different environment, dealing with things you’ve never had to think about before. Like converting your lunch into dollars to see if you can afford an extra side, figuring out that washers and dryers don’t work the same as back home, or even just missing the bus. Give yourself grace. Be proud of yourself. Not every day is going to be rainbows and sunshine, and that’s okay.
How do you identify?