Lily Yang
About My Study Abroad Program
Major/Minor: Biology
Program: Spring Forward University of Limerick
Location: Limerick, Ireland
Term: Spring 2024
Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
I chose to study abroad because I wanted to see more of the world and study cultures outside of the United States. I selected Ireland because I knew I wanted to go somewhere without a language barrier and I was eager to see all of the natural beauty that Ireland has to offer.
What did you learn about yourself?
I learned that I am much more independent than I once thought. While hanging out with friends was always fun, I also enjoyed taking day trips into the city on my own and exploring what Ireland had to offer solo.
What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
One of my favorite memories holding baby lambs in Killarney. Killarney as a whole was one of my favorite places we visited. It was breathtaking and I’d never seen anything like it.
What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
My advice is that there is always somebody who is willing to help you. Your study abroad advisor will go on trips with you, use this to your advantage and use them as a place to ask questions and reach out if you need help at any point. There is also always help back home in UNC, especially from the study abroad advisors.
How do you identify?
Student of color, LGBTQ+, Student with a disability, Scholarship Recipient
Could you share any experiences where your identity played a role in your time abroad?
Going to such a predominantly white country, it was hard to find other students of color that I could relate to. This is good to keep in mind when choosing which country to study abroad in, but don’t let this alone stop you from going somewhere. I eventually found a group of other students that were of color and it was nice to relate to them.
Is there any advice you would give to other students who share your identity?
My advice is don’t let your identity stop you from going where you want to go, but also keep in mind that you may naturally feel more at home in certain countries than others. For example, Ireland was very LGBTQ+ friendly (they were the first country to legalize gay marriage) and this made feel very safe during my time there.