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Eilah Wood

About My Study Abroad Program

Major/Minor: Journalism & Public Policy dual-degree
Program: Danish Institute for Study Abroad (DIS) & Academic Programs International (API)
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark & Dublin, Ireland
Term: Summer 2023 & Summer 2024


Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
I had the honor of studying abroad for the Summer of 2023 and interning for the Summer 2024 term. My reasons for studying versus interning abroad are slightly different. However, both times I traveled with the goal of growing my cross-cultural and foundational skills in my degree areas. These programs helped me realize I want to pursue a career in international policy through their unique learning experiences. In Copenhagen, I took two classes, Social Media Marketing and Sustainable Development for Cities, which helped me incorporate both of my degrees. I selected this program with the purpose of researching firsthand the effects of urban planning and development using clean energy in one of the most sustainable cities in the world. I also had the opportunity to grow my creative marketing skills in an area with different clientele and audiences. This past summer, I worked as a media intern for HKM Media where I helped develop the brand for the newborn magazine ‘The Goo’ alongside Irish and American peers. I chose this program to grow my international experience and adaptability in the workplace. 


What did you learn about yourself?
Both cities helped shape my desired career path and established my aspiration to move abroad post-graduation. I learned to be more independent and open-minded about my future endeavors. My experience growing up in the United States versus living abroad allowed me to realize that Americans are far too sheltered and comfortable in our own cultural practices, and sometimes getting out of your comfort zone creates personality development. I also met people who became family and fell in love with the two cities. I am so thankful that I got a piece of Denmark and Ireland and that so many locals welcomed me with open arms. 


What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
One of my favorite memories from Copenhagen was getting to live with four Danish roommates, and I still regularly keep in touch with a couple of them! My favorite experience in Dublin was joining my boss for a meet-and-greet of all of the stars, writers, and producers of Irish films featured in the Dublin Fringe Festival. 


What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
When faced with uncertainties abroad, rely on your peers for help, even if you are enrolled in a program outside of UNC! I met other students from universities across the country and students in my abroad locations, and they were integral in helping me find my way around these new cities and cultural practices. Everyone studying abroad is just as nervous as you - I promise! You will learn as you go, even if you don't think you will. 


How do you identify?
LGBTQ+, Scholarship Recipient


Is there any advice you would give to other students who share your identity?
I would advise students identifying as LGBTQIA+ to explore venues, bars, and other spaces catered to their identity. It is often easier to initially explore your sexuality in new locations with new peers. It creates an environment to almost make a new name for yourself and find what truly makes you happy. 
