Diana Wawrzonkiewicz
About My Study Abroad Program
Major/Minor: Economics, Statistics; Minor: Data Science
Program: UNC Economics in Croatia, UNC Global Launch in Granada, Spain
Location: Granada, Spain and Split, Croatia
Email: dianawaw@ad.unc.edu
Term: Fall 2022, Summer 2024
Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
I was selected for the Global Launch Program and I loved it so much I knew I had to study abroad for I went to Croatia because it complemented my major and class requirements.
What did you learn about yourself?
That I can be independent and that I love to meet people from all around the world.
What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
Making new friends and exploring the city. I loved going on walks everyday.
What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
I would say to take the leap of faith and that they are more capable than they think.
How do you identify?