Mikayla Warguez
About My Study Abroad Program
Major/Minor: Earth and Marine Science B.S.
Program: Carolina Spring Forward - Universidad de Granada
Location: Granada, Spain
Email: warguezm@unc.edu
Term: Spring 2024
Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
I have always had a passion for traveling and learning about new cultures. Once I saw that you could study abroad in your first year of college at UNC, I jumped at the opportunity. I saw it as a great way to make real friendships right off the bat in college, a great way to meet people with similar interests as me, and the perfect way to take a little "break" from the nonstop academic grind, without taking a gap year. I selected Granada because I wanted to strengthen my Spanish skills and experience a drastic difference in culture from the U.S.
What did you learn about yourself?
I gained a lot of self-confidence through my study abroad experience. I have learned to trust myself with traveling and navigating new places, I have grown confident in my ability to adapt to a new culture and learn the language, and I have met people who bring out the best in me. I learned that I feel truly myself when I'm surrounded by unfamiliar cultures. I gain a curiosity, a desire to learn, and a sense of comfort knowing I'm surrounded by diverse minds. It truly is amazing to learn from people who experience the world in such a different way than you.
What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
I traveled to Morocco with a bunch of friends from my program. Part of the Morocco experience was riding camels to a campsite in the Sahara desert, where we stayed for a night. My favorite memory was sitting on a huge sand mound with my friends that evening, looking at the beautiful sunset over the sand dunes. It was so peaceful. There were people sand surfing to our left, and others riding on the back of 4-wheelers on our right, darting across the sand dunes. Camels were resting in the sand everywhere you looked, and the sound of Moroccan music, dancers, and a clapping audience lingered in the background from the campsite. I was surrounded with amazing new friends from UNC, as well as other students from all over the world. All of us sharing this one beautiful moment of our lives that we got to spend together, despite our diverse backgrounds.
What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
You WILL adapt! Whether you are uncertain about traveling alone, learning a new language, being far from home, being far from your friends, having FOMO, or adapting to a new country, you will be okay. It is human nature to adapt to your surroundings, and you will meet amazing people who are there to learn and grow with you. You are never alone! Learn to embrace and love your unique study abroad experience for what it is. Everyone's experience is different, and every experience is equally special.
How do you identify?
Student of color, First Generation College Student
Could you share any experiences where your identity played a role in your time abroad?
In certain countries, men were very forward with women, sometimes in an aggressive manner. I experienced this in Morocco.
Is there any advice you would give to other students who share your identity?
Don't let your identity hold you back from traveling places. There are numerous people in your program who are there to guide you through identity-specific challenges. Do research if you are doubtful- many countries treat identities differently and it may lessen your doubts to cater your travel experience to countries who are most accepting of your identity.