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Brooke Spivey 

About My Study Abroad Program

Major/Minor: Neuroscience and French Romance Studies double major 
Program: Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 
Location: Lyon, France 
Term: Academic Year 2023-2024


Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
I chose to study abroad as a way to explore my French Culture and truly get out of my comfort zone. My Mom’s side of the family is French and originally from the Lyon area, so I happened to have family that lives in Lyon. Thus, I decided to stay with them as a way to learn about my own family and heritage, while saving money. In addition, The University of Lyon 3 had all the potential courses that I needed to fulfill my French studies requirements, while being in a big city that doesn’t feel overwhelming. 


What did you learn about yourself?
My study abroad experience can be described by two words: letting go. Throughout this past year, I’ve overcome fears, preconceptions, and expectations I had about the world around me. I did not realize how scared I was about the world around me before studying abroad. With this experience, I’ve become more mature, independent, open-minded and most importantly fearless. This experience has been truly invaluable for me, and I would not trade it for the world. 


What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
One of my favorite memories studying abroad is my first time solo trip. On a whim, I decided to take a two-hour bus to Geneva. At first, I was incredibly anxious at the prospect of going alone to another country. However, the initial fears I had about being alone, dissipated as I saw the beauty I got to experience as a result of getting over my fears. I spent the whole trip having a blast and exploring my interests in the city and gaining confidence along the way. 


What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
Uncertainties are not something you should fear, but rather something to expect with open arms. Although we can’t control what kinds of challenges studying abroad may pose us, we can always persevere onward. Know that you are never alone in your struggles, and that you are so much more capable at solving your problems than you expect. Never let uncertainties abroad stop you from fulfilling your dreams of travel. 


How do you identify?


Could you share any experiences where your identity played a role in your time abroad?
Being a woman has not only taught me fear, but many other women as well. Initially, during my time abroad, I was told by many well-intentioned people that you can’t solo travel or take opportunities abroad as it poses a danger to women’s health and wellbeing. This oversaturation of these messages put it into my head that women should not take initiative on their experiences. Thankfully, going against these messages and taking initiative for my hobbies and potential ventures has led me to overcome such notions. However, they certainly influenced my initial experiences and led to much travel anxiety. 


Is there any advice you would give to other students who share your identity?
I would say that you should never be afraid to take action for your own life and dreams. If you dream of traveling to another country, but you don’t have someone to go with, take it in your own hands to plan things yourself and go alone if necessary. Obviously, there are some extreme situations that I would not promote, but solo-traveling is absolutely a safe option if well planned. Never be afraid to get yourself out there and follow your heart. You’ll never regret doing what fulfills you, and never let prejudices of what women are capable of stop you from doing what you want with your life.
