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Aditi Sengupta

About My Study Abroad Program

Major/Minor: Economics and Political Science
Program: National University of Singapore Academic Year
Location: Singapore, Singapore
Term: Academic Year 2023-2025


Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
I believe that it is incredibly important to study global perspectives in the fields of economics and political science that I am interested in. I knew coming into Carolina that getting a global education was imperative to my success and I was lucky enough to find a program that so specifically aligned with my goals. Studying in Singapore put me at the heart of an economic hub in Southeast Asia, where I had access to professors from around the world, and specifically from Asia. Additionally, Singapore is a unique case study in development economics which contains a lot of great general lessons for the rest of the world. Singapore is also a cultural melting pot; anyone who wants to experience many different Asian cultures can do no better than Singapore!


What did you learn about yourself?
I discovered that I may want to live in Singapore one day. There are so many things in Singapore that I didn't realize I wanted in a city, until I arrived there. The access to public transport, the cultural communities, and the safety were all really novel to me. In Charlotte, I really missed these resources. I also really enjoyed experiencing my Indian heritage from a new perspective. I went pandal hopping for the first time, which is a huge Bengali tradition during Durga Puja, our biggest religious festival. I performed Indian music with a live band for the first time, singing in languages I was comfortable with but also Indian languages I had never spoken before. This cultural exploration of my identity was one of my biggest takeaways from my year abroad.


What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
My favorite memory from the program were the debates in my 5-person International Political Economy of Capitalism course. It was a senior thesis project class, but I had asked the professor to allow me into the class and he was very accommodating. The students in the class, including myself, were all from different countries. We had perspectives from India, Italy, China, Singapore, and United States - all wildly different political and economic systems. It was such an interesting experience to talk about issues of healthcare, childcare, gender equality, and populism from so many different lenses.


What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
There is no setback or challenge too big to adapt to. If you follow the guidelines provided by UNC Study Abroad and your host university and stay on top of your deadlines, the logistics will get taken care of one at a time. Additionally, if you feel uncomfortable while you are in a different country, there are a number of habits that you can internalize to feel safer and more secure, including picking up some phrases, engaging with local contacts, and making sure you have a support network from home supporting you!


How do you identify?
Student of color, LGBTQ+, Scholarship Recipient


Could you share any experiences where your identity played a role in your time abroad?
I would say my Indian identity and Bengali identity were the ones I most identified with daily. I was surrounded by my culture! I also had a great experience with queer communities in SG.
