Noa Roxborough
About My Study Abroad Program
Major/Minor: Global Studies and Philosophy, French minor
Program: Sciences Po
Location: Paris, France
Term: Spring 2024
Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
I started taking French in sixth grade and knew that I wanted to eventually study abroad in Paris. When the time came last fall for me to begin contemplating which program to do, I found myself drawn to the concept of an exchange program, where I would be completely immersed as a student at a foreign university. I knew that I'd experience the most growth if I was on my own rather than participating in a UNC-specific study abroad with a cohort of Carolina students (although those are also great!), and Sciences Po offered me that chance. A large part of my Global Studies degree is made up of political science classes, and Sciences Po (literally short for "sciences politiques") is known for its prowess as a social sciences institution. I was able to take classes in French and English as a student, which is ultimately what took my language abilities from 'competent' to essentially fluent.
What did you learn about yourself?
I came into my program with the intention of developing self-reliance and internal stability; I wanted to build trust with myself by living on my own in an unfamiliar country and navigating my way through whatever language barriers, travel challenges, academic issues, and personal chaos might come my way.
What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
When the weather warmed up, my friends and I started a tradition of heading to the nearest boulangerie after class ended at 5pm, grabbing the last sandwiches they had in stock, and taking them to the Seine. We'd sit on the banks of the river with a speaker playing music and talk for hours. I often felt like I needed to pinch myself; I was living a dream I had had since I was twelve.
Another favorite memory was running a half-marathon in Montpelier (a town in the south of France) with another Carolina student who was studying abroad in Florence at the time. We both took trains to get to the South of France, met up to carb load on pasta for dinner, rented an airbnb, and then woke up early the next day to join 6,000 French people running 13.1 miles. The route took us through the outskirts of the city and then right through the center where the finish line was. I think we were the only two Americans running in the race and we had a blast.
What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
Embrace the discomfort! Don't shy away from meeting new people and speaking a second language for fear of making mistakes. The best thing you can do while studying abroad is to be comfortable with being uncomfortable--because you will be, at least for a little bit. But it's so worth it.
How do you identify?
LGBTQ+, First Generation College Student