Hannah Midha
About My Study Abroad Program
Major/Minor: Environmental Science - Quantitative Energy Systems Track
Program: Carolina Spring Forward: Universidad de Granada
Location: Granada, Spain
Email: h3midha@unc.edu
Term: Spring 2024
Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
I chose to study abroad because I always wanted to travel beyond North America, especially to a place with so much history. As a first year, studying abroad in Granada was especially compelling because I could learn Spanish and immerse myself in the culture.
What did you learn about yourself?
By studying abroad, I learned how to get out of my comfort zone. Travelling, especially taking solo trips, was scary at first, but after seeing so many unique places and cultures, I realized I am capable of having so much fun if I take these risks.
What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
One of my favorite memories from my program was sharing a love of desserts with my host mom. We quickly realized we shared a taste for chocolate, and I would always bring a local brand for my host mom when I came back from a trip which we tried together after dinner. One of our mutual favorites was infused chocolate from Portugal that came out of a paint-shaped tube.
What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
Being in a new place and unfamiliar can be scary at first, especially when you have to deal with going to the doctor in a new country, navigating public transportation, or learning the local language. My advice to future study abroad students is that it is always okay to ask for help - from local advisors to professors to my host family.
How do you identify?
Student of color