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Anne (Cecile)  Meredith

About My Study Abroad Program

Major/Minor: Major: Management and Society Minor: Medical Anthropology Minor: Health and Society
Program: Program: API University: CEU San Pablo 
Location: Madrid, Spain 
Term: Spring 2024 


Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
Study abroad had always been a dream of mine since high school. When I transferred schools, I was worried that I would no longer have time to study aboard, but I worked with my academic advisor to make it possible! I pretty much knew right away that I wanted to be in Madrid. I had a fantastic experience hosting UNC students my sophomore year who were on exchange from Madrid, and I formed very close friendships with them throughout the year. I wanted to continue to strengthen those friendships by going to Madrid! Further, I had never been to Spain, and wanted to continue to develop my Spanish speaking skills. API offered a program centered around the Humanities, and I thought that would best align with my area of study. 


What did you learn about yourself?
Abroad allowed me to become confident in my independence and problem solving skills. Prior to abroad, I really struggled with travel anxieties and the fast moving pace of exploring new places. Now, it feels like a walk in the park. I also learned how much I could thrive in an entirely new culture. Spanish people were not only welcoming, but taught me an entirely new pace of life that I hope to carry with me as I readjust to the US.


What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
Going on our first trip away from Spain and booking an Airbnb a completely remote area in France. Although it could have been a negative experience, my friends and I couldn't find it funnier. We spent hours on busses to find the home, and spent the entire night giggling about our day as we found new housing accommodations closer to town. I found it truly amazing that I could become so close with people I barely knew so quick, in spite of the travel mix ups we had. 


What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
Stay busy. Work to establish relationships with not only your peers in your program, but also with professors in your University. Spend time with people who align with your interests and make plans. Take advantage of the time you have abroad, and go explore as much as you can. Travel if that is feasible and interesting to you! 


How do you identify?
Transfer Student


Could you share any experiences where your identity played a role in your time abroad?
Being a transfer student allowed me to better adapt to a new environment quickly. I think the skills I developed through the process of transferring were very useful abroad.
