Savannah McLemore
About My Study Abroad Program
Major/Minor: Global Studies; Double Minor in History and Spanish for the Legal Professions
Program: Universidad de Granada
Location: Granada, Spain
Term: Spring 2024
Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
I decided to study abroad because as a child, I never traveled. I wanted the opportunity to explore my horizons especially considering my Global Studies major and interest in international law. When I was applying to UNC, I was asked id I wanted to be considered for study abroad programs and I chose yes. I picked the Carolina Spring Forward abroad program in Granada because since I am learning spanish, I thought it would be the best one out of the other three options. When I was notified I got accepted, I knew I had to take the opportunity as it doesn't come often to first years.
What did you learn about yourself?
I learned to take a chance you're not sure about. All of my life I have played things very safe and never gone out of my comfort zone so extremely before studying abroad my freshman year. Right before the program had started, when I already committed, I was overwhelmed and seriously considering backing out. However, I had to stick it through. Now I can't imagine my time during the Spring of 2024 any differently. I changed completely. I want to take more chances, educate myself more about cultures abroad and appreciate life more than I did before.
What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
My favorite memory is during one of the University breaks, my friends and I went to Greece. We got closer than ever to each other and just shared how lucky we are to have been given this educational as well as travel opportunity. I have made connections that will last through my lifetime and I could not have imagined becoming closer with any other group of people. This is why we want to be study abroad peer ambassadors together; to share how it can change lives forever.
What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
It's okay to be scared, but you can't let it stop you from taking once in a lifetime opportunities. Many of us in Granada had never even been abroad on vacation before or solo traveled, and we came so far and got more comfortable trusting ourselves to do more than we were capable of. I wish I could stress to new students with more than words how your brain changes when you study abroad with completely new people and a brand new environment. It's enlightening and opens you up to new possibilities and connections of all sorts.
How do you identify?
Student of color, LGBTQ+, First Generation College Student
Could you share any experiences where your identity played a role in your time abroad?
Spain definitely has some strong feelings about Christopher Columbus that are very unpopular among Native American peoples. However, this shows that learning a different culture isn't always what someone expects and it still should be treated as part of that culture. It was a very good learning experience.
Is there any advice you would give to other students who share your identity?
Take things lightly, and remember people with different beliefs are still people, and you are in their space. Take pride in who you are and never falter, but with that, share perspectives and not tear other ones down in the process. Many people do want to be educated on a different perspective!