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Patrick Keese

About My Study Abroad Program

Major/Minor: Global Studies, Hispanic Linguistics/Urban Planning
Program: Carolina Global Launch/ Universidad de Granada
Location: Granada, Spain
Term: Fall 2023


Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
On my application to UNC, I was presented with 3 locations to choose from and I selected Granada, Spain because I had previously visited on a high school trip (where I fell in love with the city), and because I speak Spanish. I had also thought that the opportunity to begin the college experience in a new country would be an eye-opening and enriching experience, despite the fact that it's not what most people typically do so begin their college experience. 


What did you learn about yourself?
While in Spain, I learned a host of important life lessons, and lessons about myself. The most important lesson that I learned is the importance of self-care and reflection. Living in a new, non-English-speaking country with people I've never met before was overwhelming at first. On top of that, I had to adjust to a new culture where meal times were different, academic expectations were different, in addition to a number of other challenges. At various points, I was overwhelmed, intimidated, and exhausted. I decided to one day go for a long walk in a nearby park, and I realized that I needed to be more in-tune with myself and I learned that I needed to slow down more and appreciate things in the moment. Prior to that moment, I had always been planning out what's next and anticipating things, but I never really understood the beauty or value of living in the moment. I learned that sometimes I need to press "pause" and listen to what my body and mind are saying, and I also learned that taking the time to take care of yourself will not leave you behind, rather it helps you build a strong foundation for what's next. From that moment onward, I dedicate a few moments each day to listen to my body and my mind, and do just enjoy the moment I'm in. I feel that doing this has helped me stay anchored and grounded, and it's helped me savor the beautiful moments of college, and of life. 


What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
Among the myriad of memories I cherish, the most salient memory is when I embarked on a weeklong trip to Prague, Vienna, and Budapest with a group of about 6 others that I didn't know too well. This is my favorite memory, because this trip we took was towards the end of my abroad program, and I thought I had gotten to know my peers pretty well at that point— but I was mistaken. Over that week or so, I grew so close with the group over that trip, and we bonded on many levels. Those bonds remain strong today, and I am so thankful I had the opportunity to meet these people. 


What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
I highly recommend that the future student 1) recognizes that fear, and that they celebrate that they are fearful; this reveals that they are brave enough to decide to live and study somewhere that's not familiar to them. That in itself is a commendable act that demonstrates the individual's willingness to step outside of the box and explore the unknown.


How do you identify?


Could you share any experiences where your identity played a role in your time abroad?
I saw several LGBTQ+ parades and celebrations when I was abroad, and I felt connected with those communities despite not living there full time or speaking their language. My connection with this community leaves me feeling seen, and it makes me feel as though I am even more connected to that community. 


Is there any advice you would give to other students who share your identity?
Your identity is unique to you, and that will inform how you see and experience your time abroad. Embrace your unique perspective and enjoy how you form your own experiences. 
