Jailyn Jones
About My Study Abroad Program
Major/Minor: Biology B.S.; Health and Society Minor
Program: UNC Biology in Grenoble
Location: Grenoble, France
Email: jsjones@unc.edu
Term: Summer 2024
Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
I chose to study abroad because I have a passion for traveling and this program allowed me to not only travel but to gain an understanding and knowledge in a science course that I have been interested in taking. Additionally, I wanted to strengthen my intercultural skills as well as explore and appreciate new cultures. I selected my program based on how it would benefit both my personal and career goals. As I looked through the course and program description, I knew that this course would allow me to meet one of the last requirements for my major, and prepare me for my upcoming microbiology course as well as higher-level classes that I will take in graduate school. As I work toward my career of becoming a physician assistant, I believed this program would strengthen my learning capabilities and challenge me to develop better study habits that can be useful for graduate school and beyond, and it did just that!
What did you learn about yourself?
From this experience, I strengthened my independence and self-confidence. I learned that I can easily adapt to new environments as well as cultures. Additionally, I learned that I can stay organized despite taking two classes, studying for bi-weekly tests, and traveling every week with my peers.
What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
My favorite memories from my program would be bonding with my peers whether that be in the classroom, during our class day trips to various cities within France, or traveling outside of the country. Particularly, my favorite memory would have to be hiking the mountains in Chamonix, France, and paragliding in Interlaken, Switzerland!
What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
I encourage all students to go abroad whether it is for educational or work opportunities as it allows one to develop social and organizational skills and to gain independence. Still, it strengthens one's self-confidence and will introduce you to opportunities or experiences that may benefit you, particularly regarding personal and professional networking. While you may feel uncertain about going abroad, remember that you'll likely be with other students who have similar uncertainties. As a result, you can form relationships with your peers, and together, you can work on adapting to new surroundings, navigating different cultures, and developing intercultural skills.
How do you identify?
Student of color
Is there any advice you would give to other students who share your identity?
I encourage all students of color to study abroad if presented with the opportunity. While you may have uncertainties, studying abroad not only introduces you to individuals of various cultures within your class but you may have the opportunity to meet other students of color within the city and country you reside in. By this, you can form various relationships and network with an array of students who share your identity as well as goals and aspirations. It is important to remember that representation matters and by taking the opportunity to study abroad, you can inspire other students of color to pursue similar opportunities that can assist them in achieving both personal and career goals.