Brielle Hershberger
About My Study Abroad Program
Major/Minor: Biology major, chemistry and neuroscience minors
Program: COWA in Sevilla
Location: Sevilla, Spain
Term: Summer 2024
Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
I chose to study abroad primarily because of the amazing things that I heard about such an experience. I also wanted to study abroad to explore a new place and learn more about the culture of another country. I decided to study Spanish in Sevilla because it seemed the most fitting. Spanish in a Spanish-speaking country?—sounds about right!! I chose Spain specifically because it was a location I had never gone to before. I had already traveled near South America, so Europe seemed more adventurous!
What did you learn about yourself?
Living in another country is different and AMAZING. But, at first, it’s also very scary. From the moment my mom dropped me off at the airport, I learned that I could do it. I learned I could make the next flight, call a taxi, exchange dollars for euros, buy odd looking groceries, and meet new people all while speak a foreign language in a new country. This experience allowed me to learn so much more about myself and what I’m capable of. I realized that I learned so much not only from my classes, but from stepping out of my comfort zone.
What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
One of my favorite memories from this program was meeting some of my best friends. I went to Sevilla knowing absolutely nobody, and I left with a group of friends I could not be more grateful for. During our free time in Sevilla, we would go out and explore the country. We enjoyed exploring all of the cultural sites in Sevilla as well as smaller cities nearby! We learned their customs and their sayings, their dress and their food. My favorite memory was making these amazing friends and overall embracing everything about Sevilla with them!
What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
My advice to future students is to choose the adventure. Embrace yourself in the excitement and the experience instead of sitting in the room all day. Confidence is key! Make some friends that you feel comfortable with so that you don’t feel lonely in a new world. You will LOVE your time abroad.
How do you identify?