Charlotte (Charley) Gamble
About My Study Abroad Program
Major/Minor: Majors: Spanish (with a concentration in Translation and Interpretation) & Peace, War, and Defense (with a concentration in Intelligence and National Security) Minor: French
Program: Caroline Global Launch (University of Granada)
Location: Granda, Spain
Term: Fall 2023
Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
I chose to study abroad because initially when applying to college, I wanted to go to a university in the UK, but I chose not to because it was too expensive. I chose to come to UNC because of the CGL program that I was accepted into. I wanted having a global education to be a fundamental part of my college experience.
What did you learn about yourself?
Initially, I never wanted to come to UNC. Since I was 10 years old, I was completely set on attending a UK university for college, as I was born in England, and wanted to re-establish my connection there. This was the main goal I had growing up, and it seriously helped me get through some of the most challenging periods of my life, one of which being when my dad passed away during my sophomore year of high school. My dad was British and he was my main supporter of this goal of mine, and him passing away reaffirmed my passion to accomplish this goal. But when it came down to logistics, I couldn't afford to go to the universities I was accepted to in England, so I knew I had to stay in-state. But I got into the CG: program when I applied to UNC, and at my top choice, Granada. I decided to commit to UNC because of this study abroad program because I thought it was the best compromise for my initial goal. I also thought being able to study in Spain would be uniquely beneficial to my Spanish major, and something that I wouldn't get to experience studying in England until much later. And after completing the study abroad experience and having finished my first full year at UNC, I am so incredibly grateful that I was accepted and decided to pursue this program over going to a university in the UK. I think this was a blessing in disguise and I have gained so much from this program from education to friends and beyond. I learned that things can change, and that is ok! Sometimes the goals you have in life might not completely come to fruition, but they are still important because they bring you to where you are today.
What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
Besides being able to travel and visit my international friends and family in England and being completely immersed in the Spanish language, the group of friends I made whilst abroad are some of the most amazing people I have ever met. I have never truly felt connected to a group of people in my life until I met them. I feel as if I can be completely and honestly myself, and once I met them, I just knew they were going to be great and supportive people. I am so grateful to have studied abroad, but even more grateful to have done it with them.
What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
Embrace feeling uncomfortable and allow those feelings to happen while keeping an open mind that there are a million possibilities. Don't not allow yourself to experience something or try something new, whether that be a new career passion, because life is meant to be experienced.
How do you identify?