Abigail Dell
About My Study Abroad Program
Major/Minor: Biology & EXSS/Spanish for Med profession
Program: University of Granada: centro de lenguas modernas
Location: Granada, Spain
Email: abbydell@email.unc.edu
Term: Summer 2022
Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
I wanted to increase my fluency of the language as well as immerse myself in another culture. I decided on Spain because I wanted to be in an area where I could grow and learn somewhat on my own and going to Europe was a first for me.
What did you learn about yourself?
I learned to trust myself. I lacked confidence in my skills, whether it was specifically related to language itself or just relating to people from another culture. My competence in interact with others skyrocketed after this experience.
What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
One of my favorite memories was going to language exchanges and improving my proficiency, but even more so meeting the locals and making friends from all over the world.
What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
Take a leap of faith. The program coordinator are well versed in most possible outcomes and they know how to help you. Trust that you are in good hands and lean into your experience as much as possible, squeeze as much out of it as possible.
How do you identify?
Scholarship Recipient