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Julianna Bryant

About My Study Abroad Program

Major/Minor: Neuroscience/Spanish
Program: UNC's Spring Forward Program with Academic Programs International at the University of Granada
Location: Granada, Spain
Term: Spring 2024


Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
I chose to study abroad because I'm minoring in Spanish and believed that cultural immersion would be the quickest way for my speaking skills to improve. I also wanted to expose myself to different cultures across Europe and gain a more open-minded and global perspective. I selected the Spring Forward program because I thought that, as a Freshman, my schedule would be the most flexible and I could afford to take the unique classes that don't necessarily align with the pre-med track I'm on. 


What did you learn about yourself?
I learned that I am an adaptable person. Studying abroad was full of many changes and transitions, but I learned that I can adjust to different circumstances and overcome the obstacles that come with them. I also turned into a much more independent individual. In Spain, I couldn't rely on my parents or friends, but I learned to do many things by myself and began to problem-solve. I also enjoyed being by myself and reflecting more about who I am. 


What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
One of my favorite memories from the program was when some of my friends and I went to Morocco. We had spent the day in the Sahara Desert and that night my friends and I stayed up late talking while lying on the dunes. The desert was so beautiful and vast - it really changed your perspective. Lying there late at night and having deep conversations with people that I was comfortable being myself around was the most at peace and relaxed I have ever felt in my whole life. 


What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
My advice is that they stay close with their friends and family from back home. With the time difference it can be difficult, but it's important to find a time every few days or week so that they don't feel completely isolated. Also, I advise that they embrace all of these uncertainties and aren't afraid to be spontaneous or try new things. My friends and I ate the best food, did the coolest things, and met the nicest people when we went out of our comfort zone. 


How do you identify?
