Katrina Borgen
About My Study Abroad Program
Major/Minor: Environmental Sciences/Marine Science minor
Program: Morehead City Field Site (UNC Institute for Marine Sciences)
Location: Morehead City, NC
Email: katfb@ad.unc.edu
Term: Fall 2023
Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
you cant beat being at the beach for a semester, but it was also a program that allowed me to complete my capstone on a literal island, I fulfilled many degree requirements and was able to learn in a very visual and hands on environment. Great way for me to do required classes that related to the environment right outside the classroom door.
What did you learn about yourself?
Everything isn't supposed to be hard all the time, and I am allowed to do work and learn while still having an amazing time.
What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
Maybe the day that me and the grad student who I worked with were waiting for the tide to fall to conduct our experiment, so we went shelling on an island that you cant get to except by boat.
What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
You are fine, its worth it, and if you hate it youll be back soon anyways. But you don't get opportunities like this everyday, so its more than worth it to take them while we're young and don't have to deal with the real world yet.
How do you identify?
First Generation College Student, Covenant Scholars, Rural County Resident