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Zachary Blue

About My Study Abroad Program

Major/Minor: Economics/data science
Program: DIS and London School of Economics
Location: Stockholm, Copenhagen, and london
Term: Summer 2023 and summer 2024


Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
I am an avid world traveler and wanted to combine my passion for travel with my passion for learning. I had econ 101 with Dr. Staub and she mentioned the DIS program in class so I met with her and learned about the program and decided it was the right fit for me. For LSE, I heard about it through friends who did it the previous summer. 


What did you learn about yourself?
I learned how to be independent whether that be navigating the metro or cooking food on my own for the first time. I also gained some valuable budgeting skills as Europe is by no means cheap. 


What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
My favorite was when I met some swedish guys who took me under their wings and let me celebrate midsommar with them. They were super generous and caring and truly made my experience unforgettable. I still keep in regular contact with them


What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
I would say don't be afraid to try new things as things that push you help develop your character and make you a more interesting person. Even if you know no one else doing the program you are interested in, dozens of other kids are in the same position and this makes it incredibly easy to meet new people and lifelong friends. 


How do you identify?
