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Caroline Bentley

About My Study Abroad Program

Major/Minor: Major Pre-Business, Minor Sustainability Studies
Program: London School of Economics, Principles of Accounting Class
Location: London, England
Term: Summer 2024


Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you select your program?
I chose to study abroad in London, England because my dad was born and grew up in Oxford and I wanted to experience living in a special place that he often visited while growing up. He also spoke so fondly of his time visiting London on the weekends and I wanted to try and find a class that I could take while living there for a month of the summer. I ended up taking the Principles of Accounting and thoroughly enjoyed taking this course towards my major. I learned about a new subject I had never been exposed to and now have an interest in studying more of. It was incredible to embrace the culture abroad for a month, learning how to get around the city of London while making new friendships.


What did you learn about yourself?
I learned that it is so important to push myself out of my comfort zone and try new things. Whether it was a new food, new spot in the city, new friend, new way of transportation, I did it all. I constantly surrounded myself with new experiences which has helped me now have so many incredible memories. I learned that I can rely on myself to live in a new city in my future. This was something that I was intimidated by but now after living in a large city in another country for almost a month, I feel ready to live in a larger more fast paced setting in my post college time. I would have never learned this about myself if it weren't for pushing myself out of my comfort zone and living temporarily in a new area.


What is one of your favorite memories from your program?
One of my favorite memories from the program was from my first day in London. I walked home with a friend that I was living with and we heard a loud alarm blaring from our residence. We were extremely confused because we did not see or smell fire, yet the fire alarm was continuing to go off. After trying to contact the owners of the apartment and getting no response, we decided it was time to call the fire department for help shutting the alarm off. Instead of 911, we called 999 and were greeted with a nice women speaking in her British accent. The fire department came and reassured us that everything was okay. It was so nice interacting with these kind and helpful people after only being in London for a couple of hours. This is a memory I will never forget and started my 3 week adventure in a comical way!


What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
My advice to future students is to find a location and class that interests you and then go for it! Don't let your fears hold you back from an incredible 3 week experience. I am so happy I stepped out of my comfort zone and was able to experience new opportunities. I am thankful to now have exposure to a place that means so much to my dad. Overall, I would say that if you face uncertainties make sure you are not holding yourself back and talk to those of us that have previously experienced time abroad. I encourage others to take the risk and go for it!


How do you identify?


Could you share any experiences where your identity played a role in your time abroad?
Before studying abroad I had heard scary stories of female students feeling uncomfortable or in unsafe situations. I am aware these sort of experiences can happen anywhere, not just while living abroad, but I want to reassure girls that they should not let this hold them back from participating in this abroad opportunity. 


Is there any advice you would give to other students who share your identity?
My advice to other women would be to find a group of supportive people that you can travel with. If you have a strong support system that you can travel with, this helps with feeling safe in a new place. It is true to always stick to the buddy rule and travel with others!
