Business Administration
Departmental Reviewer: ,
Transfer of Business Credits from Main Campus Study Abroad Programs:
Students who studied abroad prior to their enrollment to the business school are eligible to transfer back a maximum of 3.00 credits towards their business major/ minor. Business minors are eligible to transfer back a maximum of two courses (equal to 6 business credits) from their study abroad and business majors are eligible to transfer back a maximum 3 courses (equal to 9 business credits) from their study abroad. PLEASE NOTE: For minors, the 6 total credit hours includes all study abroad hours, meaning that if a student studied abroad prior to their enrollment to the business school and took 3 credit hours towards their business minor, they are only able to take a maximum of 3 credit hours towards their business degree as a business minor studying abroad, as university policy states that at least nine credit hours in the minor must be completed at UNC–Chapel Hill and not at other academic institutions. All requests will be reviewed; however, approval of business credit is not guaranteed. The maximum amount of business credit any one singular course can receive is 3 credit hours. If a course is worth more than 3 UNC credit hours, the extra hours would transfer back as general elective hours.